Home Jim & Mary Kay's Bicycle Adventures

Bicycling from Washington DC
Maryland, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware & Virginia

2007 - August - September

August 28, 2007
Salisbury MD to Kilmarnock VA

Distance: 54.6 miles
Elevation climbed: 445 ft

This morning we started early to make sure we caught the only cruise boat going to Tangier Island. Leaving town the GPS took us on a wild ride. We turned right, then left, want two blocks and repeated. As we left town after about 8 turns, we realized we were on the same street we started. Have no idea why the changes. The rest of the route to Crisfield was straight and flat. We had wide shoulders, after we cycled through a construction area. We arrived in Crisfield in time for a nice lunch before we had to catch the boat to Tangier Island. We arrived at Tangier Island, moved the bicycles to a different boat and we were ready to sail to Reedville VA. On the way we saw a fishing boat bring in their nets. The cruise captain was nice enough to stop the boat for about 15 minutes while we watched the operation.

Commercial Fishing Near Reedville, VA

It was not an easy thing to put our long bicycles on these boats, but the crew did an excellent job taking care of us.

Bikes on Cruise boat - Cristfield, MD

After we arrived in Reedville we cycled another 15 miles to Kilmarnock for dinner and an extra 1 mile ride out of town to the hotel. We did not arrive to the hotel until almost 7:00 pm a long fun day.


Last modified 08/29/07