Home Jim & Mary Kay's Bicycle Adventures

Isle to Cambridge, MN

Tuesday, September 9, 2003
Distance Cycled: 52 miles
Total elevation gain: 420 feet

We cycled another 50 miles today but we went into a strong (10 to 20 mile per hour) headwind for 40 of the 50 miles. To our legs it seemed more like a 70 mile day than a 50 mile day. Everyday we see more trees that are beginning to change into their fall colors; it really is a great time of the year to travel. The roads we have traveled in our previous days have been very flat. They had almost no hills. Today the road was more like I remembered it from our cross-country trip in the year 2000. The road went up and down small hills most of the day.

Road - South Isle

We have seen a number of motorcycle riders in Minnesota but we have not seen a motorcycle rider who was wearing a helmet. They definitely do not have a helmet law in Minnesota. We continued directly south on Hwy 47 for 37 miles. Unfortunately the wind was from the SSW so we were going almost directly into the wind and our speed was 10 to 12 miles per hour instead of 13 to 16 miles per hour. As we were riding south, we passed in honor of Ann, Ann Lake.

Ann Lake

We stopped in Ogilvie for a Gatorade, when Gary and Ann came in for coffee; we started out, as we were concerned about the winds. Sure enough the wind had really increased while we were resting. We stopped in Dalbo, and ate lunch in a small bar, we were the only customers in the place. This lunch was much better than yesterday's supper. We traveled by ourselves most of the day. We would meet with Ann and Gary when ever we stopped. They would arrive just about the time we were ready to leave. After lunch we headed east and were able to travel at normal speeds for about 10 miles and then we headed south again on county road 14 which took us into Cambridge. Tonight we have enjoyed the pool and laundry facilities at the Country Inn.


Last modified 09/10/03